What is Takes3?

Takes3 brings intended parents and egg donors together to expand families through third party reproduction technologies. Takes3 performs no medical tests or procedures. Although we are not a medical clinic, we work closely with a select number of top tier assisted reproduction clinics to navigate the process from start to finish. We are based in Greenwich CT with offices in Boston, Washington DC, Atlanta, Miami, and Dallas. Our unique program is distinguished from others by the high caliber of our egg donors as well as by the extra steps we take to ensure the best experiences for our intended parents and donors.

Our Egg Donor Program

We are the leading independent egg donor program based on the east coast, offering educated, talented, and attractive candidates from around the country. Recipients are welcome to view our database and request more information about egg donor profiles free of charge. We respond quickly to all inquiries, seven days a week, day or evening, and provide continuing support throughout the egg donation process. Our clients often tell us that our egg donor database is better than their clinics’ egg donor pools, frozen egg banks or other egg donor agencies, and our communication is outstanding.

Women interested in becoming egg donors will find comprehensive information regarding qualifications and the processes on our site, as well as online applications. You can be assured that with us you will receive the highest quality care, personal attention, support, and confidentiality.

NAFG (founded in 2006) is the original company which is behind the creation and distribution of the Takes3 database and format. The same professionals who are involved with NAFG on a day-to-day basis are also actively involved with the Takes3 program.