Our Frozen Egg Bank
Takes3 / FAQs

Takes3's Frozen Egg Program

The large majority of our egg donor candidates are available for fresh cycles: once you choose a donor, she will go to your clinic for the screening tests, monitoring, and retrieval. The whole process takes about three months from start to finish.

We also maintain a small and highly selective frozen egg bank. Only certain candidates qualify for our frozen egg program and there are strict criteria for admission. Donors who have particular characteristics which are in high demand and have cycled successfully before with excellent results are considered for our frozen egg pool. Takes3 underwrites all the costs for these frozen cycles and we endeavor to batch the eggs in larger lot sizes to improve the chances of success.

The Advantages of Takes3 Frozen Eggs

We realize that the large-scale frozen egg banks are less expensive: this is because they work with local donors, will accept unproven donors, and pay them significantly less than we do. The advantages offered by our frozen program are primarily the chance to secure donor eggs from a desirable and proven donor, and the convenience for recipients who want more control over their schedules, and to save time. Our frozen eggs are available for shipment to outside clinics.

You can find our frozen egg donors by selecting "frozen eggs" in the search field of the database.

Please watch Kathy Benardo, the director of our egg donor program, discuss the unique advantages of Takes3's frozen eggs.